Stasis may be discirculatory as a result of venous hyperemia or ischemia. Causes of stasis:
• Physical factors (temperature elevation, cold).
• Chemical factors.
• Infection.
• Infectious-allergic factors.
• Autoimmune factors.
Short stasis is reversible, long one causes hyaline thrombi formation, vascular permeability increase, edema, bleeding.
Isolated vein spasm may cause leukostasis, accumulation of erythrocytes within venules (small veins) and capillaries. It is observed in hypoxia. In shock, leukostasis may be generalized, but as a rule it is localized in the venules.
Microcirculation disturbances. There are four links in microcirculation:
1. The link of inflow and distribution of the blood (arterioles and precapillaries).
2. Intermediate (exchange) link (capillaries).
3. Depot link (postcapillaries and venules).
4. Drainage link (lymphatic capillaries and postcapillaries). The function of microcirculation is exchange between the blood and tissue. Pathology of microcirculatory system is formed of vascular, intravascular and extravascular changes.
Vascular changes are those in the thickness and shape of the vessels, angiopathies with disturbance of vascular permeability as a result of hypoxia.
Intravascular changes manifest as different disturbances of blood rheology (sludge, prestasis, stasis). They are observed in shock of different origin.
Extravascular changes are perivascular edema, hemorrhage, lymphostasis on the lymph vessels.
Ukrainian kosnpekt translated
Stasis (from the Latin. Stasis - Stop) - stop blood flow in the vessels
microvasculature (especially in the capillaries, at least - in venules). Stop
the blood is usually preceded its motion (prestaz).
The causes of stasis are:
1). Infections;
2). intoxication;
3). Shock;
4). Long-term artificial blood circulation;
5). Effects of physical factors (cold stasis with frostbite).
In stasis pathogenesis of primary importance is the change in the
rheological properties of blood microvessels until the development of
sludge syndrome (from the English. Sludge - swamp), which is
characterized formennyh adhesion of blood cells, especially red blood cells,
causing significant hemodynamic disturbances. Sludge red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets is possible not only in the microvasculature, but
in large vessels. It leads to increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Stopping blood flow leads to increased vascular permeability of capillaries
(and venules), edema, and rise plazmorrahiyi ischemia.
Value stasis determined by its localization and duration. Thus, most of the
acute stasis leads to reversible changes in the tissues, but in the brain
contributes to the development of severe, sometimes fatal swelling of
dislocation syndrome, which noted with coma. Where there are multiple
long stasis mikronekrozy, diapedezni hemorrhage.
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